
[红警2共和国之辉下载www.xtcdj.com| 更新日期:2010年1月21日






; Define the multiplayer game modes

; modeID=Name, rulesOverride, mapFilter, randomMapsAllowed

; Battle is "standard" multiplay with rules.ini changes for modified gameplay

; It is the only one that allows AI players.


1=GUI:Battle, STT:ModeBattle, MPBattle.ini, standard, true

3=GUI:Cooperative, STT:ModeCooperative, MPCoop.ini, cooperative, false

4=GUI:UnholyAlliance, STT:ModeUnholyAlliance, MPUnholy.ini, standard, false

2=GUI:FreeForAll, STT:ModeFreeForAll, MPFreeForAll.ini, standard, true

5=GUI:Megawealth, STT:ModeMegawealth, MPMW.ini, megawealth, false

6=GUI:Duel, STT:ModeDuel, MPDuel.ini, duel, false

7=GUI:MeatGrind, STT:ModeMeatGrind, MPMeat.ini, meatgrind, false

8=GUI:NavalWar, STT:ModeNavalWar, MPNaval.ini, navalwar, false

; ManBattle is battle between MEN! (i.e. no AI's)


5=GUI:Megawealth, STT:ModeMegawealth, MPMW.ini, megawealth, false

6=GUI:Duel, STT:ModeDuel, MPDuel.ini, duel, false

7=GUI:MeatGrind, STT:ModeMeatGrind, MPMeat.ini, meatgrind, false

8=GUI:NavalWar, STT:ModeNavalWar, MPNaval.ini, navalwar, false


2=GUI:FreeForAll, STT:ModeFreeForAll, MPFreeForAll.ini, standard, true


4=GUI:UnholyAlliance, STT:ModeUnholyAlliance, MPUnholy.ini, standard, false

;Removed until UI does or does not support game type.


;5=GUI:Siege, STT:ModeSiege, MPSeige.ini, siege


3=GUI:Cooperative, STT:ModeCooperative, MPCoop.ini, cooperative, false