
[红警2共和国之辉下载www.xtcdj.com| 更新日期:2009年2月26日
作者:Croutonman 译者:GT_LaoYing

Red Alert 3 offers up some new toys to the Allied arsenal, but one of the deadliest is the Century Bomber. This long range bomber is great for flattening structures and heavily damaging closely packed units. Another new feature, which is reminiscent to older Red Alerts, is the Century Bombers secondary ability to paradrop infantry making it a deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled Allied commander.

红色警戒3为盟国的玩家们提供了一些全新的好玩单位,而这其中最致命的就要数世纪轰炸机了。这种远距离轰炸机能在瞬间铲平建筑物,并把挤在一起的单位轰成渣。为了向前代红色警戒系列游戏致敬,世纪轰炸机还拥有伞降步兵的第二技能,在老道的盟国指挥官手中,这一技能在战场上会显得格外致命。 (参考TK老大与谭雅的恩恩怨怨)

Bombing Techniques

The Century Bomber’s main attack is 6 ground busting bombs that have a significant blast radius and with the Air Superiority it increases to 9. With that said one Century Bomber can pack a lot of destructive power. Like the Parabombs from Red Alert or Carpet Bombing like Generals and Zero Hour, the bomber unleashes its payload in a straight line. Bombing structures efficiently is not as easy as just pointing and clicking though, but with a little bit of micro can really give opposing players nightmares.



TIPS:Bombing Through Choke Points – Like Fish in a Barrel
Is your enemy moving their troops through a valley or along a narrow path? The linear attack pattern of the Century Bomber is perfect for softening up packs of units traveling through tight areas since they cannot easily maneuver to out of the way of falling bombs. This can make your opponent retreat for repairs or think twice about where to attack from.
